* Fresh * Grapefruits & Oranges
Fresh Wisconsin Cheese- Shipping available
"If you love someone, buy them cheese!" We now offer shipping options to you by U.S. mail! Call for pricing on whole horns of each kind of cheese, we have quite the variety! Each horn weighs around 5-6 pounds.
Pure, natural raw honey and honeycomb
Our honey is lightly filtered by passing it through a large screen to remove large bits. It is unprocessed and has NOTHING added to it. It comes to you straight out of the hives! The flavor of this honey will vary because the bees produce differently according to weather patterns, or what kind of flowers they are able to feed on. We have a variety of honey jar sizes available to purchase, or bring your own container and we will fill it for you!
Monthly deals
We have a new deal starting at the beginning of each month. Check us out on Facebook to see which sale is currently running! Through-out our store you will also find specially marked sales, which help to keep your cost down even more!
Furniture sale
We have a fall sale on out outdoor poly
furniture. 10% off regular priced items
starting now and ending December 31st.